The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE7 7DN (the “CW Partner”)

The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne And Wear, NE7 7DN (the “CW Partner”)


Project Name: Newcastle Musculoskeletal Ultrasound (US) Training Programme & Psoriasis US Clinic

Project Summary:

The CWP will establish a Musculoskeletal (MSK) Ultrasound (US) Training Programme (the “Training Programme”).  The CW Partner will recruit a Senior Registrar, National Health Service (NHS) band level ST5+, up to Post Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) (the “Trainee”). The Trainee and training, funded by Novartis through the CWP, under the supervision and observation of the CW Partner’s clinical team. The Trainee will qualify as a Fellow undergoing MSK US, documenting protocols for duplication of the Training Programme among other NHS Trusts, and a business case for future funding of the role and Training Programme, post this project.

In addition, the CWP will establish whether the use of MSK US, with 50 to 75 psoriasis (PsO) patients, has the potential to identify psoriatic arthritis (PsA) earlier, thus creating a new treatment pathway.

Planned Milestones:

Newcastle Musculoskeletal Table


Expected Benefits:


  • MSK US will provide the patient with clear diagnosis and ensure patient clinical care pathway is optimised
  • Patients can be prioritised based on clinical outcomes, potentially earlier than in existing pathways
  • Patients can avoid potential over diagnosis through Psoriasis Epidemiology screening tool (PEST)

CW Partner

  • Demonstrates pro-active governance in identifying potentially under and over diagnosed PsA patients
  • The new model may act as a vanguard for the diagnosis and treatment of PsA patients previously diagnosed with PsO across HCSs in the future
  • Limits the risk to the Trust of a ‘missed’ PsA diagnosis
  • Clinicians to treat PsA early with effective treatment and interventions, potentially limiting future societal and healthcare costs down the Patient pathway
  • Improved understanding and awareness of the scope and size of the problem for PsO and PsA to co-exist for Dermatology and Rheumatology.
  • Demonstrates through publication of the results, the Trust’s ongoing commitment to providing the best care possible for their patients
  • Provide potential case study for NHS RightCare Pathways, to improve variation and improve population health


  • To be seen as a partner of choice by the Rheumatology clinical community by working jointly with the NHS to improve PsO progression to PsA patient care, whilst supporting service improvements within the NHS
  • Improved use of medicines (including Novartis medicines) in patients in line with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA) and BSR guidance
  • Demonstrable evidence of working with a CW Partner that improves care to patients through future publication of the US results


Start Date & Duration: 

The duration of the CWP is a total of 18 months*.  The CWP will commence on execution of the signed collaborative working agreement (CWA) which is expected during January-2023. 

*The CWP is dependent on the identification, interview and hiring of the Trainee which should be completed no later than 6 months of execution of the CWA.    


UK | November 2022 | 584118

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