NHS Surrey Heartlands CCG

NHS Surrey Heartlands CCG

Project Name: Service Mapping for the purposes of understanding the structure and possible resource requirements and pressure points in Heart Failure across the Surrey Heartlands ICS Joint Working

Joint Working Project Summary:

The project will involve mapping the Heart Failure services across Surrey Heartlands ICS. This will involve a series of workshops and interviews with key stakeholders to define the key components of the current Heart Failure pathway (i.e., GP visit, specialist clinic visits, community services care) and how patients interact with each of these components during their journey through the Heart Failure service, as compared with how they are supposed to interact with the service, as defined in the local applicable guidelines. The expertise to conduct the analysis will be provided by a third party provider, and shall be funded by Novartis. The NHS will contribute the time of key stakeholders to provide information on the Heart Failure services and the pathway overview.

At the end of the local Heart Failure service will have been mapped and a report with key opportunities for enhancement will have been presented to the NHS and Novartis.

Planned Milestones:

Milestone 1: Discovery Workshop

IQVIA deliver Phase 1 Discovery Workshop to agree on-the-ground priorities and ambitions, and identify key stakeholders to be interviewed in Phase 2

Milestone 2: Engage & Evidence

IQVIA deliver Phase 2 Engage & Evidence: mapping, insights gathering, conducting a series of interviews with key stakeholders to understand the key components of the current pathway.

Milestone 3: Validation Workshop

IQVIA deliver Phase 3 Validation: prioritise solutions to be incorporated in a 5 year plan focusing on short and long term suggested actions

Expected Patient Outcomes for this Project:

Improved patients’ outcomes and experience of the healthcare system through:

  • more efficient services in line with guidelines;  

  • and solutions which increase capacity and thus

  • patient’s ability to access specialist services in a timely manner

  • clearer and improved pathways

Start Date & Duration: November 2019, up to 25 months

P3UK2111022175 | UK | October 2021

Project Name: Service Mapping for the purposes of understanding the structure and possible resource requirements and pressure points in Heart Failure across the Surrey Heartlands ICS Joint Working 

Partner Organisations: NHS Surrey Heartlands CCG 

Completion Date: 15.12.2021

Outcome Summary: 

This project:

  • Fully mapped the features and components of Heart Failure (HF) services across the Surrey Heartlands ICS footprint.
  • Prioritised areas for future ICS HF strategy with Health Care Professionals (HCPs) within the HF services.

Identified quick wins, next steps, and future goals.

Key Project Outcomes Data: N/A

Outcomes: The participants in this project identified three core themes for a future HF Strategy:

Novartis Info for JWS CCG



The project sought to understand the patient flow through the heart failure service in Surrey Heartlands Integrated Care System, from initial General Practitioner visit, through diagnosis, onward treatment, and management via primary, secondary, community and social care sections of the health and care services. The project also identified areas of improvement in patient experience and outcomes. 

This early work delivered on the aim of developing service-level principles within Surrey Heartlands ICS; to establish potential solutions to identified inequity of care within HF services and sets out potential expectations that can be delivered through Place-level plans.


Request ID 442980

June 2022

Source URL: https://www.novartis.com/uk-en/about/partnerships/joint-working/nhs-surrey-heartlands-ccg

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